IMPORTANT: Every student-athlete who plans to participate in athletics is required to be registered by a parent or legal guardian on Additionally, the completed Sports Physical packet must be uploaded to in order to be eligible for participation. All pages of the packet must be uploaded as one file (do not upload individual pages as it can only accept one file). Sports Physical packets will no longer be accepted in the Athletic Office. You will notbe allowed to try out unless this is completed. Click HERE for more information.
February 15 (10:00am-2:00pm)
2024-2025 Softball Roster
2024-25 Roster coming soon
2022-23 Varsity Softball
2022-23 JV Softball
For more information on the Bishop Gorman Softball program, please contact Head Coach Kevin Smith at
2024-2025 Softball Varsity Schedule
2024-25 Schedule coming soon
2024-2025 Softball JV SCHEDULE
2024-25 Schedule coming soon
2021 4A State Champions
Bishop Gorman High School
5959 S. Hualapai Way Las Vegas, NV 89148 Phone: 702-732-1945 Fax: 702-732-8830