IMPORTANT: Every student-athlete who plans to participate in athletics is required to be registered by a parent or legal guardian on Aktivate (formerly known as RegisterMyAthlete). Additionally, the completed Sports Physical packet must be uploaded to Aktivate to be eligible for participation. All pages of the packet must be uploaded as one file (do not upload individual pages as it can only accept one file). Sports Physical packets are not accepted in the Athletic Office. You will notbe allowed to try out unless this is completed. Click HERE for more information.
In a 4-0 shutout against Faith Lutheran, the Gaels Hockey team brought home our school's first-ever Hockey NV State Title! Next, they’re headed to compete for the Division 1 National High School Title on March 26 in Irvine, CA. Go Gaels!
So proud of Harrison Smith '27 winning the STATE Championship in Wrestling - 165# Congratulations to Kage Mir '25 on placing 2nd in the state in Wrestling - 190# Go Gaels!!
Two Bishop Gorman alumni will play in Super Bowl 59 on Sunday, February 9! Jaden Hicks ’21 (Chiefs) and Nick Gates ’14 (Eagles) are representing the Gaels on football’s biggest stage. No matter the outcome, a Gorman Gael is bringing home a ring! Go Gaels!
2006 AAAA State Champs 2007 AAAA State Champs 2008 AAAA State Champs 2009 AAAA State Champs 2010 AAAA State Champs 2011 AAAA State Champs 2012 AAAA State Champs 2015 Division 1 State Champs
Bishop Gorman High School
5959 S. Hualapai Way Las Vegas, NV 89148 Phone: 702-732-1945 Fax: 702-732-8830