List of 1 frequently asked questions.

Athletics News

Register with Aktivate

All students attending Bishop Gorman MUST complete a Sports Physical Packet with a current physical exam dated after May 20, 2024.  This includes all freshman and transfer students.

The Sports Physical Packet is also available on Aktivate (formerly Register My Athlete). ). Pages 1 – 7 of the Sports Physical Packet must be signed, dated, and uploaded as a single PDF document into Aktivate to complete the student’s registration.

Students are NOT allowed to participate in any Bishop Gorman practices, workouts, or organized training sessions until their registration is complete for the intended sport.
Parents: If you are having trouble uploading your student’s completed Sports Physical Packet, the CamScanner App is a free tool to help scan the Packet into a PDF and upload it easily into Aktivate.  The App is free on the App Store or Google Play.

Download and complete the 2024-2025 Sports Physical Packet 

If you have any questions about Aktivate: Please call: Domingo Rivera at 702-476-4020 or email at

Upcoming Events

Bishop Gorman High School

5959 S. Hualapai Way
Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 702-732-1945
Fax: 702-732-8830